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Capybara, no tests

Using Percy Anywhere to integrate visual testing with any 'localhost' server or remote web app server.

Percy Anywhere is a simple wrapper that allows you to easily integrate Percy's visual tests with any localhost server or remote web app server.


  • percy-capybara gem.
  • poltergeist gem, which requires PhantomJs to be installed.
  • A directory of compiled asset files.
  • A local or remote server running the app.



Make sure you have completed Setup of your CI service first. You can also test Percy in your local development environment.

Without Bundler

You can simply install the required gems globally:

$ gem install percy-capybara
$ gem install poltergeist

With Bundler

Add the following to your Gemfile:

source ''

gem 'poltergeist'# Requires PhantomJs to be installed.
gem 'percy-capybara'

Then, run:

$ bundle install


Percy Anywhere does not require Rails or any test framework like RSpec. It simply uses the Capybara library and a small Ruby script you write to control a web app.

Example script

Let's create a file called snapshots.rb:

ENV['PERCY_DEBUG'] = '1'# Enable debugging output.# Configuration.
server = 'http://localhost:8080'
assets_dir = File.expand_path('../dist/assets/', __FILE__)
assets_base_url = '/', assets_dir, assets_base_url) do|page|
  Percy::Capybara.snapshot(page, name:'homepage')
  • server is a URL pointing to the local or remote host, such as http://localhost:8080.
  • assets_dir is an absolute path to a directory of compiled static assets. These can be compiled by any asset pipeline tool, such as Webpack/Broccoli.js/etc.
  • assets_base_url (optional): the path where your webserver hosts compiled assets, such as /assets. Default: /

Now, run:

$ ruby snapshots.rb

If you used the Bundler installation method, run:

$ bundle exec ruby snapshots.rb

Done! 🚀 Each time the script is run, Percy snapshots are taken and uploaded for rendering and processing. The script will output a link to the build to view any visual diffs.

Interacting with elements

This script can be expanded with any complex behavior that interacts with the page. You can use all of the available Capybara actions to interact with the page.

Clicking on a button

page.click_button('New Project')
Percy::Capybara.snapshot(page, name:'homepage - new project modal')

Clicking on an element by selector

Percy::Capybara.snapshot(page, name: 'about page - locations')


See the Capybara docs for many more interactions, best practices, and usage examples.

Waiting for elements

See Best Practices .

Responsive visual diffs

You can use Percy responsive visual diffs to test pages at different CSS breakpoints.

Simply set the breakpoint configuration:

Percy.config.default_widths = [375, 1280]

With the above configuration, all snapshots will render at both mobile and desktop breakpoints by default.

You can also override widths per-snapshot:

Percy::Capybara.snapshot(page, name: 'homepage', widths: [375, 1280])

If you're testing components instead of full pages, you may also want to set the minimum_height argument to override the default of 1024px. Note that minimum_height sets the default viewport height and the resulting screenshot may still be be larger if the page's content height is larger.

Percy::Capybara.snapshot(page, name: 'homepage', minimum_height: 300)

Example app

A working example of this setup can be found here:

Other resources